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By The Skanner News | The Skanner News
Published: 20 October 2016

Why We Must Vote on November 8

XV Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Section 1
“The right of citizens of the United states to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude.”

With less than a month to go until Nov. 8, early voting is opening in states across the country. Never mind the talking heads — it’s finally time for we the voters to have our say. 

Yet for many Americans it is hard to feel enthusiastic. 

We want to elect leaders we can trust to deliver policies that benefit ordinary men and women. We want leaders we can believe in and who believe in us, the American people. We want inspirational leaders. We want trustworthy politicians.

That’s what we want. Yet what we seem to be getting is an endless stream of insults, threats and accusations. The 2016 election seems uglier and dirtier than ever.

Here at The Skanner News, we understand the feeling. But it’s not an excuse to not vote. Your vote is important.

Politics is a long game — we must look at what our choices now mean for the future. Our ancestors knew that life would be better for future generations if they voted. They endured denial of their right to vote by those who saw it as a threat to their power. We must honor their fight for equal rights under the law. And it should be with pride that we cast our votes in the November election.

You may expect the worst. But vote.

You may feel disappointed. But vote.

You may have to study the issues. But vote.

We have to vote to keep our leaders accountable because the more of us who vote, the better the results will be. There is power in numbers and there is power in our votes. African Americans and Latino voters will determine the results of this election.

This week The Skanner is publishing endorsements. We hope you will vote with us, but if you disagree we still want you to vote.

Vote your pocketbook. Vote your best interest. Vote for the common good. Just vote.

Our democracy is not perfect, but it is the best system we have.


NOTE: Ballots must be submitted by 8:00 p.m. on Nov. 8, 2016. Drop sites are listed here.


The Skanner News 2016 Candidate Endorsements


clinton hillary 200Hillary Clinton - Hillary Clinton has demonstrated, before ever running for office, high values and a consistent desire to help the poor and marginalized — not only in the united states but in other countries, such as Haiti. Her concern for women and families and work on their behalf is a hallmark of her legacy in politics. Clinton is an indisputably strong leader who has demonstrated her knowledge and ability to work on issues of domestic and foreign affairs. She is rock solid on securing a $15-per-hour minimum wage, affordable health care, jobs for working families, and supporting thriving businesses, large and small. She is a staunch supporter of the voting rights bill, and has fought for civil rights all her life. There is a reason so many African Americans support Clinton. She has always supported them and looked out for their best interests, despite being criticized by some.

Her opponent, Donald Trump, is not qualified to be president. There is nothing in his resume that shows he has the ability to lead this nation. He wants an America that looks like him, not the America that embraces diversity — the real America we all know and love.

Clinton is the level-headed, morally strong leader this country needs. Vote for Hillary Clinton for president of the united states.


wyden ron 200Ron Wyden
Sen. Wyden has been a champion for the interests and values of Oregon. He is at the forefront on most of the hot button issues that confront this country, and can be counted on to speak up for the rights of all peoples. His town hall meetings around the state keep him in touch with citizens and their concerns. He has promoted treatment for opiod addiction, decriminalizing marijuana laws, advocated for cyber security and recently introduced a bill that would require presidential candidates to release their tax returns for public scrutiny. And much more. We urge voters to send Wyden back to Washington.


Bonamici Suzanne 200DISTRICT 1: Suzanne Bonamici

blumenauer earl 200DISTRICT 3: Earl Blumenauer

schrader kurt 200DISTRICT 5: Kurt Schrader


brown kate 200Kate Brown
We believe Kate Brown has the leadership qualities and values that we want to see in our governor. Be it jobs, education, health care, affordable housing, ethics in government, transparancy in government, she has lead effectively on these and many other issues. Brown listens to the people, and acts on solving their concerns. She is passionate about improving the lives of all Oregonians. We know we can trust her to get the job done. Her opponent, Bud Pierce, has spoken for himself, revealing his lack of knowledge about male predatory behavior towards women. We’ll leave it there. Vote for the person who is best qualified to lead the state, Kate Brown.

rosenblum ellen 200Ellen Rosenblum
Rosenblum is doing an excellent job. We especially like her leadership on publicmeeting laws. She is best qualified for the job.

avakian brad 200Brad Avakian
Avakian comes out ahead with his strong civil rights background. We urge voters to elect him to this office.

read tobiaas 200Tobias Read
Read has a wide range of experience in many areas, including revenue , tax credits, transportation, economic development, and has worked with businesses across the board. He knows how to collaborate to get things done. We believe he is the best qualified for this position.


Kathleen Taylor

Frederick Lew200DISTRICT 22: Lew Frederick
Frederick has shown steadfast leadership in the legislature, and is unopposed in this race. With an ear to the people he represents, he holds Saturday morning meetings to keep abreast of what is on their minds. Always open to ideas, and with a passionate conviction for the good of all he serves, Frederick has helped expose the need for more police accountability. He saw that it was not enough for citizens to videotape police officers but could not use audio, so he helped change that law so there is more transparancy in how police intereact with people during an arrest or confrontation. He has worked for treatment of state prison inmates’ mental health issues, and strongly supports small businesses.

We urge Frederick, and all state legislators, to push for state agencies such as transportation and health and human services to do business with minority-owned businesses. So many agency heads continue the old boy networks, and minority business enterprises are left out of the equation. There is much work for legislators to do on these issues. We urge them to take it on.

Michael Dembrow
Running unopposed.

Laurie Monnes Anderson



Ray Lister

Jeff Barker

Deborah Boone

Mitch Greenlick

Paul Southwick

Ann Lininger

Charles Gallia

Mark Meek

Karin Power

Tawna Sanchez

bynum janelle 200

Jeff Reardon

Janelle Bynum


eudaly chloe 200POSITION NO. 4 COMMISSIONER: Chloe Eudaly


Sharon Meieran

Lori Stegmann

Mike Reese
Running unopposed.

All are running unopposed.

Either elected in the primary or running unopposed.


The Skanner News 2016 Candidate Endorsements


Seven measures are certified to appear on the Oregon ballot on November 8, 2016.

✔ NO

MEASURE 94 would repeal the mandatory judicial retirement age, which is currently 75 years old.

✔ NO

MEASURE 95 would allow public state universities to invest in equities.

✔ NO

MEASURE 96 would devote 1.5 percent of state lottery net proceeds toward veterans’ services.


MEASURE 97 would raise corporate taxes on businesses with annual sales that exceed $25 million.


MEASURE 98 would require state funding for dropout-prevention and career and college readiness programs in Oregon high schools.


MEASURE 99 would create an “Outdoor School Education Fund,” sourced from state lottery proceeds, to support outdoor school programs.


MEASURE 100 would prohibit the sale of products from and parts of 12 species of endangered animals.





Measure 26-178 renews local option levy; protects natural areas, water quality, fish.


City of Portland


Measure 26-179 - Bonds to fund affordable housing.


Measure 26-180 establishes tax on recreational marijuana sales; dedicate purposes for funds.


Multnomah County

✔ NO

Measure 26-181 amends charter, extends term limits to three consecutive terms.

✔ NO

Measure 26-182 amends charter, commissioners may run for Chair midterm without resigning.

✔ NO

Measure 26-183 amends Charter, changes elected sheriff position to appointed department head.


Measure 26-184 limits contributions, expenditures, requires disclosure in Multnomah County candidate elections.


Measure 26-185 amends charter committee appointment process, sets appointment convening timelines.



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